Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Beginning

November 18th, 2012        “The Beginning”      Rev. Heather Jepsen

(Mark 13:1-8)

the beginning

four in the morning
wide awake
sudden sharp stabbing pain
what is it?
what is happening to me?
I think I am going to be sick

great buildings
great stones
great man made world
Teacher, do you see it?

yes student,
but do you see it?
not one stone will be left,
all thrown down

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs

surprise and shock
joy and excitement
fear and trepidation
is this finally the day?
I must make it through this pain
to reach the promised hope

what are the signs?
how will we know?

a tidal wave
of suffering people

do you see?
not one stone will be left
all will be thrown down

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs
in the car
headed to the hospital
counting contractions
every 8 minutes
every 6 minutes
every 4 minutes
hold on here comes one
it won’t be long now
in our world
headed to the end of things
counting conflicts
nation against nation
kingdom against kingdom
wars and rumors of wars
hold on here comes one
it won’t be long now

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs

there will be pain
there will be suffering
there will be fear
there will be labor
but there will be joy in the end

there will be wars
there will be rumors
there will be those that lead you astray
there will be signs you see
there will be signs you miss
I will come again
the end is still to come

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs

9 months of hope
9 months of anticipation
9 months of wonder
9 months of fear
I have ripened like fruit on the vine
ripened until bursting
waiting for the day
the hour
the moment
the sign
the beginning of the labor pains

2000 years of hope
2000 years of anticipation
2000 years of wonder
2000 years of fear
we have ripened to the point of spoiling
sweet sticky fruit on the vine
waiting and watching
for you coming on the clouds
is this the moment?
is this the hour?
is this the beginning of the labor pains?

do not be alarmed
these things must take place

the wonder and mystery of birth
can not happen without suffering
can not happen without pain
can not happen without tearing the body
every new life
enters the world
in tears

the wonder and mystery of God
is working its way out through suffering
is working its way out through pain
can not happen without tearing his body
can not happen without tears
his tears
our tears

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs

with wars
with rumors
with violence
with fear
the world labors on

with famine
with earthquake
with flood
with fire
the world labors on

with pain
with suffering
with mystery
with hope
the world labors on

with anticipation
with energy
with love
with relief
the world labors on

since the beginning of time
our earth spins towards its end
it groans on its axis
heavy with the weight of our tears
pregnant with the hope of millions
ripe for the picking

all for a purpose
part of the plan
pain leads to relief
fear leads to joy
shock leads to wonder
this is all just the beginning

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning
of the birth pangs

will it hurt?
will I make it through?
the baby is coming
will I survive?
how much pain will I be able to take?

and relief
is this the day?
is this the hour?
will we survive?
how much pain will we be able to take?

we have waited so very long
where are you God?

do not be alarmed
these things must take place
this is but the beginning


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